After one session: total recovery after fall from horse...20 years ago

After one session: total recovery after, fall from horse...20 years ago!

I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the amazing job you did using the Bio Cranial technique to work on the right side of my back.

Around twenty years ago I fell from a horse and besides the three months that I spent in recovery from some broken bones in my spine in the lumbar area I have been having this tightness and soreness all over the right side of my back for all these years. I was also diagnosed with scoliosis, which worsens the situation.

Thanks to Dr. Marmorstein and his Bio Cranial expertise, in just one session I was able to move loosely and smoothly again. I feel freer–-totally like a different person. The sensation after a treatment is one of peacefulness and more focus. I notice this especially when I perform certain positions in my yoga class and in daily activities that I was not able to do without pain.

My deepest thanks for the help you have brought to humanity in these times. With all my heart...

— Cecilia Wheelis


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