A new website, and a reminder moment...

Yes: Head 2 Foot, my holistic chiropractic healthcare practice, now has a new website: https://head2foot.com. Even if you are used to thinking of yourself as an insider in my practice, you might find something there that is new to you. Besides that, I didn't design this site, and it's downright pretty, as well as informative.

Just today, I was working on someone and had another "reminder moment" that everything is a work in progress. And a moving target.

For a while, I've had an exciting clinical research project going on in my practice. I've developed a method to completely NON-forcefully adjust/re-align a person's body. I've taught it to a small group of chiropractors in postgraduate seminars, and demonstrated it to other colleagues who came in to shadow me for a day.

When I was working on this person, I came across a specific hip alignment problem that I had never seen before. When something like this happens, I can't just put my chin in my hand and mutter, "Hmm...Very interesting..." We can't just take a quick commercial break and come back to our seats to find out what happens next when a person is lying there in pain.

I used a form of self-muscle testing to look for a solution to this patient's problem. The solution I found turned out to be gentle, exceedingly weird and different from anything I had ever done before. Most importantly, it worked. I guess this is why I keep showing up for work!

It's also going to change the curriculum for future courses I teach to other professionals.

Strange things happen in this office: This year I've discovered reasons why patients get in trouble after doing seemingly innocent things. Like sitting in certain ways, giving a speech at a friend's wedding or dusting a ceiling fan. It's amazing to see the difference it makes when these patients get the treatment they need.

We're getting booked way ahead of time, so I'm looking for treatments, technologies, and people to help me manage that. I also want to stay in better touch. This type of email is one way for me to do that.

Thanks so much for sending new people to see me. I had a tremendous sense of satisfaction last week when four different M.D.s came to see me for care. I appreciate the good care that I know they are giving to their patients, and am gratified to know that things are changing enough in this world that they feel comfortable coming to a Doctor of Chiropractic for the help I can give them.

I'll write again soon and welcome your comments.

Please be well, and give us a call at 713.955.4009 when things feel "off," or if you suspect it's been a long time.

All my best,

Dr. Stuart


Almost a century in the making


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