You’re Lying

Hey there Reader,

During all those long pandemic months of doing everything at home (when I wasn't seeing patients at the office), there was always TV. A 2009-2011 show caught my fancy. Its name: Lie to Me.

The main characters learned to read what they called "microexpressions" in peoples' facial expressions and body language. The leads in the show could use their knowledge of tics, raised shoulders, or downward and sideways glances to detect when others were concealing information, lying, or experiencing certain feelings.

They formed a company of consultants to help uncover the truth for government agencies and companies that needed to know what was really going on. After all, who doesn't have something to hide? At various dramatic moments, one of the principal characters would blurt out, "You're lying", surprising the person who thought they'd had everyone fooled. Always a satisfying scene.

According to Wikipedia, "The show is inspired by the work of Paul Eckman, a specialist on facial expressions and a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. Ekman has been an advisor to police departments and anti-terrorism groups. He was a scientific consultant in the production of the series. The lead character of Lie to Me, Cal Lightman, is based on Ekman."

I realized that during my own long-running "show," (1979-2021, so far); I've been doing a version of this type of work in my practice:

  • to find out why a person's neck or back would not stay in alignment...and removing that cause.

  • to help find and root out the source of someone's fatigue or insomnia.

  • to end the misery for many a migraine or fibromyalgia sufferer (after following clues leading to origin of the pain).

There is a method and a science to doing this kind of work, just as there is for the show's heroes. I'll talk about this more in a future blog on how I use Applied Kinesiology to tell "how the world works."

(Of course, there will always be skeptics who claim that nobody can learn about somebody's structural alignment without x-rays; or internal status without lab work. They'll say that you can't help someone with back pain unless you use drugs or surgery. They'll say that you can't relieve emotional stress without meds or hours of talk therapy).

The question is, are they lying, or do they simply not know any better?

Thanks for reading!

Replies are always welcome, but to make an appointment, please CALL US at 713.955.4009.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything!

Dr. Stuart


A new website, and a reminder moment...